What is Banana Chicken? Identification and Features

Banana Chicken

What is banana chicken that many breeders are interested in and looking for in recent times. In fact, for long-time cockfighters, this breed is no longer too strange, but newbies need to understand clearly if they want to use them to compete. In today’s article, let’s find out all the most detailed information about banana chicken with Gold99!

What is banana chicken?

Banana Chicken

This is a name for a breed of chicken that has feathers that resemble banana trees. If you are new to them, you will easily recognize them because their feathers are usually pale white or pale green.

In fact, white is the most common color and they have the least amount of horse hair, the neck hair is very prominent. However, the neck will be mixed with many light white light green like the color of leaves. In some other places, yellow bananas are dominant in both quantity and quality because of their agility.

What are banana chickens and are they suitable for fighting? Basically, due to their agile nature, they can still be used for fighting, but usually it will spur fights because they do not have the endurance.

How to distinguish banana chicken

To better understand what a banana chicken is, we need to understand how to distinguish each specific feature. Based on feather color, it can be divided into 5 most popular types today. Typically:

Fire Banana

This is a breed that combines yellow and white feathers. This helps them stand out and easily impress people when appearing in the arena. Once exposed to direct sunlight, this fighting cock looks like a burning fire, bringing a fiery spirit that makes opponents wary. This breed is quite suitable for use in combat.

White banana

Banana Chicken

According to the definition of banana chicken, white feathers are a fairly common color variation of this breed. They possess a pure white feather with a bright beauty that has a very strong highlight that attracts the love of many people. Besides the beauty of appearance, this breed also has the ability to fight quite vigorously, dealing well with other opponents. Especially in terms of speed, they are highly appreciated by enthusiasts.

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Black banana chicken

The color of the black is relatively prominent and easily recognizable in banana chickens. Specifically, the feathers of this fighting chicken are more inclined to be black and dark, so it looks very mysterious as if it possesses hidden power. According to experts, this type is very steadfast, strong in every match and does not give up easily no matter how strong the opponent is. In addition, some chickens also possess aggressive qualities, attacking opponents with lightning speed and technique.

Gray banana

According to the signs identifying banana chickens, gray feathers are often more aesthetically pleasing and are quite popular as pets. However, if the parents are good, they can even be compared to the god chicken in terms of fighting ability. Therefore, many breeders want to own this fighting chicken to both make money and have the ability to watch the fight very well.

Owl Banana

This breed often has thick, smooth feathers combined with colored spots that look like an owl. Usually, it will be white with black spots, creating a unique beauty that attracts all eyes. According to the assessment, they have the ability to fight cleverly and flexibly, so they are loved by many cockfighters. In addition, the owl banana can also be raised as a pet thanks to its extremely beautiful feathers.

The best fighting chickens today

In addition to learning about what a banana chicken is, many people also wonder about the real fighting ability of this breed. In fact, to know if a fighting chicken is strong or not, we need to pay attention to the characteristics of the legs. Specifically as follows:

Green legs frog eyes

Banana Chicken

The green-legged banana chicken with frog eyes is a particularly rare breed because it has green legs, thick feathers and dark eyes like a frog’s. This breed is often very aggressive, bloodthirsty and stubborn, always wanting to show off. They often walk quite slowly, but when competing, they completely transform and never surrender.

Green lead feet

When it comes to chicken breeds with good fighting style, we cannot ignore the blue-legged chicken. They have blue-legged chicken legs and have characteristics such as wings folded backward, walking forward. Although they are not tall, their appearance is exactly like a real god chicken. Their fighting ability is also extremely good when they are constantly favored by cockfighters.

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Green yellow legs

This breed of fighting chicken possesses a smart fighting style and high flexibility, so it is also on the list of the best fighting chickens today. They have large, long feathers that almost touch the ground and quite short legs. However, due to its rarity, very few people have witnessed this fighting chicken in action.

Learn about the color of the banana network.

Learning about the color of the banana chicken network will also help bring certain effectiveness when bringing them to compete. There are many different ways to see such as by date and time, the five elements, … Specifically as follows:

What is the banana chicken network and what day should it be kicked?

Normally, cockfighters will look at the banana chicken’s network and choose a day with the five elements to fight. In addition to this method, we can also follow the folk experience of “morning red, afternoon banana”. That is, understanding that the afternoon is the right time when the banana chicken is strongest, so we should let them fight.

Banana Chicken

Besides, according to fate, avoid the three-season luck. That is, make sure you do not encounter days that are bad for the chicken, bad for the birth date, etc. These days, bringing a fighting chicken to compete will easily lead to loss.

In addition to monitoring the color of the network, we must not ignore the necessary requirements of nutrition and training. In particular, we must create a clean barn environment for the fighting cock to develop normally and healthily, then it will be undefeated in every arena.

Network combat experience

In the process of learning about the color of the banana chicken network, we have drawn many bloody experiences. Details are as follows:

  • When fighting a yellow-legged chicken with a green-legged chicken, it will usually lose and be heavily overwhelmed.
  • Fire banana when fighting against green leg will have a higher winning rate.
  • Green bananas with yellow legs always have the advantage when competing with other fighting chickens.
  • According to the chicken book, the snow banana chicken is the strongest breed of all, so it is always sought after strongly. They have a very high value.


The content of the above article contains all the most important information that readers need to understand when learning about banana chicken. Hopefully, the knowledge we share will help everyone in the process of raising and choosing the most suitable fighting chicken to bring optimal efficiency.

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